Latest News
- from Częstochowa and Landsleit around the world
Farewell Piotr Stasiak z”l (1947-2024)
September 14, 2024
It is with immense sadness, and a degree of shock, that we learned of the sudden passing of PIOTR STASIAK z"l, a significant member of our World Society.
New Website About HASAG Pelcery
August 11, 2024
Local Częstochowa historians and filmmakers, Marcin Bocain and Kamil Langier, have launched a new website dedicated to the history of the HASAG Pelcery.
2024 Częstochowa Jewish Cemetery Clean-Up is Done
May 23, 2024
On an almost annual basis, our World Society Vice-President, Alon Goldman, has organised and led a clean-up of the Częstochowa Jewish cemetery. In 2024, the work continued!
Meeting on Future of Częstochowa Jewish Cemetery
May 22, 2024
At the initiative of our Vice-President, Alon Goldman, an important meeting took place today at the cemetery, of Częstochowa Jewish Cemetery stakeholders, regarding its future.
- view our reunion photo galleries
Next Reunion... Late 2019
- stay tuned for details and registrations coming soon
My Częstochowa
- Write your own story!
Since the fall of communism in Poland in 1989, hundreds of Częstochowa survivors and their descendants have visited the city, either at any one of the World Society’s Reunions or travelling independently.
For anyone who wishes to share with the rest of us their experiences, we have set aside a section of our website to enable them to do so. In fact, we positively encourage you to add your contribution!.
Lives & Legends
- Write a tribute to your Częstochowa family
Częstochowa Landsleit are encouraged to pay tribute to their parents, their grandparents or other members of their nuclear or extended family, who either survived or perished in the Holocaust.
In fact, anyone who wishes to may write a tribute page to some or all of their family, so long as their family comes from Częstochowa or the surrounding area.
Częstochowa Tourist Map
- showing locations of Jewish and general interest.
Our Partners
- with whom we cooperate, whom we support and who support us.