Conference Papers

2017 Conference

"The History of the Jewish Population of the Częstochowa Region" / "Dawne dzieje ludności żydowskiej w regionie częstochowskim"

- organised by the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa, the Częstochowa Museum, the Częstochowa Municipal Archives and the Częstochowa TSKŻ and held on Tuesday 28th March 2017 at the Częstochowa Jewish Museum




Mizgalski, Jerzy & Spyra, Janusz: Introduction

Spyra, Janusz: An Outline of the History of Jews in the Częstochowa Region to World War I

Matuszczyk, Mateusz: Jewish Communities in the Kalisz Province in the First Half of the 19th Century

Adrian Musiał: An Outline History of the Koniecpol Jewish Community to the Outbreak of World War I

Gregorczyk, Olga: An Outline of the History of the Kłobuck Jewish Community to the World War I

Spyra, Janusz: The Oldest Częstochowa Jewish Families

Wójcik, Anna: A Picture of the Piotrków Province in Jan Bloch’s 1886 Reports

Pobratyn, Agnieszka: The State of Częstochowa Jews’ Theatre Culture and its Research Perspectives

Pięta, Wiesław: Jewish Sport in pre-War Częstochowa

Surma-Jończyk, Elźbieta & Dubaj, Ewa: Sources, at the National Archive in Częstochowa, for Researching the History of the Częstochowa Jewish Community to 1939

Ruta, Magdalena: Yiddish Sources for Researching the History and Culture of Częstochowa Jews in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. A Reconnaissance

Mizgalski, Jerzy: The Influence of Jewish Religious Law on the Everyday Life of the Nineteenth Century Jewish Community in Częstochowa