"Częstochower Cajtung" ("Częstochowa Gazette")

- a weekly Yiddish-langusge newspaper


Click on date to reveal translations
Please note: Some text may not be translated as it is illegible due to the quality of the scanned newspaper.

Full scan of issue (in Yiddish) – use menu items, below the flipbook image, to enlarge

1st January 1926 – Page 1 articles (English translation)

1st January 1926 – Page 1 notices/advertisements (English translation)

The professional English translation of this newsapaper has been made possible by the financial support of the

Wolf Rajcher z”l and Dora Rajcher z”l were both Holocaust survivors from Częstochowa.

They were prisoners in both the “Big Ghetto” and the “Small Ghetto” and, until liberation, were slave labourers in HASAG-Pelcery. Following the War, they emigrated to Melbourne Australia.

Upon the passing of both his parents, their son, Andrew Rajcher, established this charitable fund in their memory.


Dave Horowitz-Larochette


While the English translations are available for download, they may not, either in part or as a whole, be distributed or published without the prior written permission of Andrew Rajcher, the copyright-holder of this English-language version of this newspaper.