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Częstochowa Today
My Częstochowa
Write Your Own Story
Chen, Gil
Feder, Elena
Forberg, Steve
Gekler, Tomer
Hersch, Jeff
Klin, Adaya
Koren, Shosh
Lowi, Noa Yalon
Meller, Katarzyna
Srebrnik, Henry
The Jewish Museum of Częstochowa
The Częstochowa Jewish Cemetery
The Cemetery’s History
Search the Gidonim Website
The Partisans’ Grave
The Jewish Intelligentsia Mass Graves
“Operation Ostbahn” Victims’ Mass Grave
The ŻOB Bunker Victims’ Grave
The Jewish Fighting Organisation (ŻOB) Monument
The HASAG Victims’ Mass Grave
The Grave of Częstochowa Victims of the Kielce Pogrom
The Mass Graves on ul. Kawia
A Biographical Guide to the Częstochowa Jewish Cemetery
The Częstochowa Jewish Club (TSKŻ)
Częstochowa Tour Guides
Częstochowa Tourist Map
Old Częstochowa
The Jews of Częstochowa
Our Exhibition
How It Began
From an Idea to a Reality
The Exhibits
The Exhibition Album (First Edition)
Exhibition Showing: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Exhibition Showing : Detroit, Michigan, USA
Exhibition Showing: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Exhibition Showing: Houston, Texas, USA
Exhibition Showing: New York City, New York, USA
Exhibition Showing: Seton Hall Uni., New Jersey, USA
Exhibition Showing: Washington D.C., USA
Częstochowa Jewish Newspapers
“Częstochower Cajtung” (“Częstochowa Gazette”)
“Nasz Głos Powszechny” 1936
The Częstochowa Jewish Gmina – Members Listings
Pre-War & Wartime Maps of Częstochowa
Professor Dr. hab. Jerzy Mizgalski
The “Old Synagogue”
The “New Synagogue”
Rabbi Nachum Asz
The Parochet and Napoleon’s Flag in Częstochowa Synagogues
Post-War Abandoned Częstochowa Properties
Fifth Reunion – September 2016
Fourth Reunion – October 2012
Third Reunion – October 2009
Second Reunion – October 2006
First Reunion – April 2004
About the Project
Academic Consultative Panel
Prison Memoirs (1915) By M. Cieszyński
The Ghettos – Warsaw, Częstochowa (1945)
Czenstochower Yidn (1947)
Churban Czenstochow (1948) by B.Orenstein
Unser Yuhrzeit (1948)
Churbn Czenstochow (1949) by S.Waga
Destruction and Resistance of a Jewish Town (1949)
Częstochowa – My Home Town (1950) by Aba Kaufman
Resistance & Destruction in the Częstochowa Ghetto (<1952)
From the Warta River to the East River (1957)
Czenstochov (1958)
Czenstochover Landsmanshaft of Montreal (1966)
The Book of Częstochowa (1968) – Vol. 1
The Book of Częstochowa (1968) – Vol. 2
Czenstochov – Our Legacy (1993)
Krzepice – the Prospect of a Yizkor Book (1963)
Krzepice – “Beyond Silence” (2015)
The Community of Żarki (1959)
“Częstochowa Jews” – a Biographical Dictionary
“Home and the Road – the Road and Home”
Lives & Legends
Write a Tribute
Altman-Radwańska, Jolanta z”l
Amiel, Irit z”l
Beatus, Felix z”l
Birencwajg, Machel z”l
Czarnylas Family, The
Darrow, Edja Rosenzweig z”l
Finkelstein Family, The
Imich, Alexander z”l
Krycer, Sam z”l
Ofir, Esther (Ada) Frajman z”l
Proskurowska, Bolesława z”l
Rapaport, Harry’s Family
Rothstein, Alvin “Buddy” z”l
Shein, Joseph (Yuzek) z”l
Silberstein, Leon z”l
Siegreich, Sigi z”l & Hanka
Sigiel, Pola z”l
Szlam Family, The
Wasilewicz, Halina z”l
Wasilewicz, Yaakov (Kuba)
Hauptmann Paul Degenhardt
The Częstochowa Ghetto
The Treblinka Extermination Camp
Częstochowa Jews Under Communist Rule
The Post-War Jewish Orphanage
Memorial Monuments Worldwide
Collecting the Memories
The Częstochowa Righteous
Częstochowa’s Israel Heroes
“The Surviving Jews in Częstochowa”
A Memorial from Melbourne, Australia
Conference Papers
2017 Conference
2012 Conference
2009 Conference
2004 Conference
Interesting Videos
Relevant Writings
October 2012
"Genesis" Concert
Częstochowa Jewish Cemetery
Academic Conference
Huberman Concert & Presentation
Jewish Tour
Foundation Establishment Meeting
Chol Hamoed Succot
Banquet Dinner